Yvng Trayson

Dropping the bars


Yvng Trayson

  • Web Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Nuxt.js, Vue.js
  • Tailwind CSS, Firebase
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Rising Star: Yvng Trayson's Digital Debut

Yvng Trayson emerges as a dynamic rap and trap artist from Kenya, known for his unique blend of rhythms and lyrical prowess. His artistic goal is to establish a strong online presence to reach a broader audience and attract music promoters, emphasizing his dual identity as a rapper and a singer.

The website is designed to showcase a mix of media - incorporating photos, videos, and music - to fully represent Trayson's multifaceted artistry.

Goals and Solutions

  1. Challenge: building an engaging online platform that effectively showcases Yvng Trayson's talents and appeals to both fans and promoters.
  2. Solution: the development of Yvng Trayson's website involved crafting an immersive digital experience. This included integrating professional photos, featuring engaging YouTube shorts to highlight his performances and style, and using SoundCloud's media player for streaming his music.
  3. Result: the website establishes a vibrant and interactive online presence that showcases Yvng Trayson's music, expanding his reach to a global audience. It functions as a digital portfolio for promoters and a hub for fans.

The Crescendo of Trayson's Career

Expanding the Musical Journey

In elevating Yvng Trayson's music career, the focus was on enhancing his public image and digital footprint. This was achieved by blending modern web design with social media integration, creating a compelling digital narrative.

The website features a dedicated section for his services, including live performances, freestyle rap, and songwriting, along with interactive elements to engage visitors, such as music samples, latest releases, and information on upcoming gigs.

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Berlin, Germany


Rotterdam, Netherlands


Madrid, Spain


Mombasa, Kenya

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